Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Going Across The Pond....and getting wet.

Welcome to the land of Wallace, Grumit, James Bond, and Adele.

It wasn't fun getting here.

No, I didn't mind the hour delay in Miami thanks to Hurricane(?) Tropical Storm(?) Giant thunderstorm(?) Isaac. I didn't mind the fifteen minute power walk to my connecting flight. I didn't even mind the ten hours going across the Atlantic. I could sit, read, and wait just fine as I made my way across the world. But I am kind of bummed that my bag didn't come with me.

Being without toothpaste, clothes, and money taught me a lot, and it turns out, I can have next to nothing and get by just fine. Lesson learned.

Lesson number 2: always lie to customs. I could have just been visiting a friend or brother in town for a few days. I could have been simply wanting to live the London lifestyle and get away from the States. But no. I was too happy to be there, and I wanted to let the deceptively happy looking guy at customs know exactly excruciating detail.

Orientation? Yessir. For what? I'm going to study abroad in India. And you're orienting yourself for London? That doesn't seem normal. I guess not, but that's what the program told me to do. I'm meeting them here. Do you have proof? No! It's in the bag that it's in Charlotte, North Carolina!

This is what happened for about 20 more minutes until he "gave me the benefit of the doubt" that I wasn't trying to kidnap the Queen. I was the last one to clear customs.

But then I was out in the city. The inner tourist in me who just wanted to get to my hostel by any means necessary accidenaly bought an express train ticket that, though while significantly faster, was twice as much. When I got off in Victoria, I couldn't find my bus, and after seeing how beautifully stereotypical the taxis were in London, I had to take one. Twenty pounds and fifteen minutes later, I regretted it. But still, poor or not, I was where I needed to be....wherever that was.

It's strange being in a country where no one knows your name, and no one is about to ask. I was just some stranger walking on the street, and no one gave me a second look. Yesterday was my day to wander with my destination as aimless and inconsequential as myself. No one wondered or worried about where I was, and when I got lost, I had all the time in the world to find my way back. If I got tired, I found a park and I slept. My nap count: Little Russel Park, Grand Russel Park, Braxton Park, and the British Museum.

After a 12-hour night that I forced myself to sleep through, I woke up to a new day. I know where I am, and thanks to yesterday, I know where I need to go. My bag should be on it's way, and so should I.

London is absolutely beautiful, and I'm excited to spend a few more days here with people who care who I am. Or at least have an idea. There are lots of cafes to find, teas to drink, and people to get oriented with. This is just to say that I'm here, I'm safe, and I'm happy.

Pictures are still to come!

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